A ten year old girl was killed whilst on an errand for her mother in 1905 and her murderer was never caught.
At midnight on Saturday 28th October 1905 Elizabeth Peers of Wendell Street was given 6d by her mother to go to the butchers on Lodge Lane to buy some cooked pork. Her mother Elizabeth remained at home with her three brothers while her brick setter father William was out visiting his brother, having earlier had an argument with his wife.
Elizabeth never returned but the area was a lively neighbourhood and her mother assumed that she had just met some friends or gone to a relations. The following morning at 835am her body was found in an entry at the back of Cullen Street by William Wilson, a carter on his way to work in Edge Hill. However Mrs Peers at first wasn't concerned, instead saying how terrible it was that somebody had lost their daughter. It was only when her father enquired with relatives as to Elizabeth's whereabouts did they realise it could be their daughter who was dead.

Several witnesses reported to police seeing a man in his late thirties with a dark moustache running from the entry at 1.30am but the killer of Elizabeth Peers was never found. On 22nd November the inquest was concluded with a verdict of wilful murder by persons unknown. The Coroner censured Elizabeth's parents for their 'unnatural conduct' on the night of the killing.
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