In 1879 a Toxteth man was hanged after stabbing a woman that he was in a relationship with, taking the reasons for the killing with him into the next world.
The murder of Eliza Patten, described as an 'Unfortunate' by the Liverpool Mercury took place on the night of Sunday 23rd March at what the paper also termed a 'house of ill fame' in Prince William Street. At 6.20pm a policeman was informed by a boy that a woman had been stabbed in the property and he found her lying on the kitchen floor.She was removed to the Southern Hospital but died shortly afterwards from loss of blood to the wound, which was to her neck and had penetrated the jugular vein.

At his trial that took place at the Liverpool Assizes on 9th May, three witnesses told how they had seen Johnson after the murder and he told them what he had done, admitting they had a row in which she had struck him with a candlestick but not elaborating on what it was over. The surgeon who had attended to Eliza told that the blow must have been delivered with considerable force given how far the knife had penetrated into the neck. Johnson's defence solicitor claimed that only a manslaughter verdict was necessary due to provocation and the fact that he had acted on impulse.
In summing up, the judge said that if the evidence was to be believed then murder was the only verdict possible, as Johnson was not under threat at the time he picked up the knife. It took the jury just two minutes to find him guilty and after being impassive during the trial, he collapsed when the judge passed sentence. He was carried downstairs and could be heard crying from the cells for some time. He was hanged at Kirkdale Gaol on 28th May.
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